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Entertainment Technology--Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders ANSI E1.1 - 2018 describes the construction and use of wire rope ladders in the entertainment industry. It is a revision of the 2012 standard, which was a revision of the 2006 standard with changed load ratings to accommodate heavier workers. Wire rope ladders are distinguished from other ladders by having flexible rails. They are used in applications where ladders with rigid rails are impractical to use, or where a rigid ladder would pose a greater danger to the user or other workers in the area. Rigging September 27, 2018 2018-09-27 100.000 ANSI E1.1 - 2012Entertainment Technology - Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders This edition has been superseded. Rigging June 19, 2012 2012-06-19 100.700 ANSI E1.1 - 2006Entertainment Technology - Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders This document has been superseded. Rigging August 16, 2006 2006-08-16 100.800 ANSI E1.1 - 1999Entertainment Technology - Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders This document has been superseded. Rigging September 16, 1999 1999-09-16 100.900 ANSI E1.2 - 2021Entertainment Technology - Design, Manufacture and Use of Aluminum Trusses and Towers ANSI E1.2 describes the design, manufacture, and use of aluminum trusses, towers, and associated aluminum structural components, such as head blocks, sleeve blocks, bases, and corner blocks, used in the entertainment industry in portable structures. Rigging May 06, 2021 2021-05-06 200.000 ANSI E1.2 - 2012Entertainment Technology - Design, Manufacture and Use of Aluminum Trusses and Towers This document has been superseded Rigging January 15, 2013 2013-01-15 200.997 ANSI E1.2 - 2006Entertainment Technology - Design, Manufacture and Use of Aluminum Trusses and Towers This document has been superseded. Rigging July 13, 2006 2006-07-13 200.998 ANSI E1.2 - 2000Entertainment Technology - Design, Manufacture and Use of Aluminum Trusses and Towers This document has been superseded. Rigging August 02, 2000 2000-08-02 200.999 ANSI E1.3 - 2001 (R2021)Entertainment Technology -- Lighting Control Systems - 0 to 10 V Analog Control Specification This standard, which supersedes the prior R2016 version, describes a method of controlling equipment by means of an analog control voltage with the controller being the current source. It is primarily intended for lighting control equipment (controllers and dimmers) although any equipment which might be controlled by a lighting controller (automated luminaires, strobe lights, fog machines, etc.) could use this control method. Control Protocols May 20, 2021 2021-05-20 300.000 ANSI E1.3 - 2001 (R2016)Entertainment Technology - Lighting Control Systems - 0 to 10 V Analog Control Specification This document has been superseded Control Protocols February 17, 2016 2016-02-17 300.996 ANSI E1.3 - 2001 (R2011)Entertainment Technology - Lighting Control Systems - 0 to 10V Analog Control Specification This document has been superseded. Control Protocols June 28, 2011 2011-06-28 300.997 ANSI E1.3 - 2001 (R2006)Entertainment Technology - Lighting Control Systems - 0 to 10V Analog Control Specification This document has been superseded. Control Protocols October 13, 2006 2006-10-13 300.998 ANSI E1.3 - 2001Entertainment Technology - Lighting Control Systems - 0 to 10V Analog Control Specification This document has been superseded. Control Protocols March 21, 2001 2001-03-21 300.999 ANSI E1.4-1 - 2022Entertainment Technology - Manual Counterweight Rigging Systems ANSI E1.4-1 - 2022 is a revision of the previous 2016 version. It applies to permanently installed, manually operated counterweight systems of stage rigging hardware for the raising, lowering, and suspension of scenery, lighting, and similar loads. The standard has been updated to reflect current technology, and no longer includes or recommends wire-guided systems for new installations. Rigging October 27, 2022 2022-10-27 410.000 ANSI E1.4-1 - 2016Entertainment Technology - Manual Counterweight Rigging Systems This document has been superseded by ANSI E1.4-1 - 2022 Rigging October 11, 2016 2016-10-11 410.997 ANSI E1.4 - 2014Entertainment Technology - Manual Counterweight Rigging Systems This document has been superseded by ANSI E1.4-1. Rigging January 24, 2014 2014-01-24 410.998 ANSI E1.4 - 2009Entertainment Technology - Manual Counterweight Rigging Systems This document has been superseded. Rigging April 21, 2009 2009-04-21 410.999 ANSI E1.4-2 - 2021Entertainment Technology - Statically Suspended Rigging Systems ANSI E1.4-2 addresses statically suspended rigging systems permanently installed in performances spaces, places of assembly, and other areas used for entertainment purposes, where not covered by other ANSI Entertainment Technology standards. This standard establishes minimum performance criteria, recommendations and guidelines that can be used for installation, use, maintenance and inspection purposes. Rigging May 06, 2021 2021-05-06 412.000 ANSI E1.4-3 - 2020Entertainment Technology - Manually Operated Hoist Rigging Systems This standard is the third in a set of revisions and partitions of ANSI E1.4-2014. It applies to permanently installed, manually operated hoists used as part of rigging systems for raising, lowering, and suspension of scenery, properties, lighting, and similar loads. This standard establishes requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, and maintenance of manually operated hoist systems for lifting and suspension of loads for performance, presentation, and theatrical production. Rigging June 02, 2020 2020-06-02 413.000 ANSI ES1.4-2021Event Safety - Event Fire Safety Requirements This standard applies to fire safety in the live event industry. Fire safety is the identification and assessment of event-specific fire risks, and the effects that fire and smoke will have to the life safety of all persons who may be affected. It includes those measures required to minimize the likelihood of a fire starting, means of escape (egress), fire safety monitoring, and the methods used to limit the development, spread, and effects of fire.This standard does not address (a) requirements related to certifying fire fighters and their associated training; (b) requirements related to the construction of firefighting equipment; (c) requirements related to the construction, use, and maintenance of motorized fire fighting apparatus; (d) technical requirements of any equipment used for communications, illumination, signs or other hardware; or (e) installation of fixed fire alarm and suppression systems. Event Safety October 08, 2021 2021-10-08 420.000 ANSI E1.5 - 2009 (R2018)Entertainment Technology - Theatrical Fog Made With Aqueous Solutions of Di- And Trihydric Alcohols This standard describes the composition of theatrical fogs or artificial mists that are not likely to be harmful to otherwise healthy performers, technicians, or audience members of normal working age. This standard is intended to be applied in theatres, arenas, and other places of entertainment or public assembly where theatrical fogs and mists are often used. It lists what is permissible in the fog or haze and how much can be there on a short-term and long-term basis. Fog & Smoke November 29, 2018 2018-11-29 500.000 ANSI E1.5 - 2009 (R2014)Entertainment Technology - Theatrical Fog Made With Aqueous Solutions of Di- And Trihydric Alcohols This document has been superseded. Fog & Smoke June 09, 2014 2014-06-09 500.997 ANSI E1.5 - 2009Entertainment Technology - Theatrical Fog Made with Aqueous Solutions of Di- and Trihydric Alcohols This document has been superseded. Fog & Smoke September 14, 2009 2009-09-14 500.998 ANSI E1.5 - 2003Entertainment Technology - Theatrical Fog Made With Aqueous Solutions of Di- And Trihydric Alcohols This document has been superseded. Fog & Smoke May 12, 2003 2003-05-12 500.999 ANSI E1.6-1 - 2021Entertainment Technology -- Powered Hoist Systems This standard, a limited revision of the previous version, establishes requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, and maintenance of powered hoist systems for lifting and suspension of loads for performance, presentation, and theatrical production. It does not apply to the structure to which the hoist is attached, to attachment of loads to the load carrying device, or to systems for flying people. Excluded are welded link chain hoists, and manually powered hoists, including auxiliary drill operation. Rigging January 26, 2021 2021-01-26 601.000 ANSI E1.6-1 - 2019Entertainment Technology - Powered Hoist Systems This document has been superseded. Rigging May 10, 2019 2019-05-10 601.800 ANSI E1.6-1 - 2012Entertainment Technology - Powered Hoist Systems This document has been superseded. Rigging October 16, 2012 2012-10-16 601.900 ANSI E1.6-2 - 2020Entertainment Technology - Design, Inspection, & Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry ANSI E1.6-2 - 2020 is part of the E1.6 powered entertainment rigging suite of standards. It covers the design, inspection, and maintenance of serially manufactured electric link chain hoists used in the entertainment industry. This standard does not cover attachment to the load or to the overhead structure. Controls used for multiple hoist operation are excluded from the scope of this part of the standard. Rigging August 14, 2020 2020-08-14 602.000 ANSI E1.6-2 - 2018Design, Inspection, and Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry This document has been superseded. Rigging April 10, 2018 2018-04-10 602.900 ANSI E1.6-2 - 2013Design, Inspection, and Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry This document has been superseded. Rigging July 10, 2013 2013-07-10 602.999 ANSI E1.6-3 - 2019Selection and Use of Serially Manufactured Chain Hoists in the Entertainment Industry This standard, a revision of the 2012 version, establishes minimum safety requirements for the selection and use of serially manufactured electric link-chain hoists in the entertainment industry. This standard is intended to reduce injury and provide for the protection of life, limb and property. This standard does not address the design or maintenance of these hoists. Rigging October 14, 2019 2019-10-14 603.000 ANSI E1.6-3 - 2012Selection and Use of Chain Hoists in the Entertainment Industry This document has been superseded. Rigging July 03, 2012 2012-07-03 603.900 ANSI E1.6-4 - 2022Design, Inspection and Maintenance of Portable Fixed Speed Electric Chain Hoist Control Systems in the Entertainment Industry This standard is a revision of ANSI E1.6-4-2013, splitting its scope into two different scopes for ease of future use and applicability. It establishes the minimum requirements for the design, inspection, and maintenance of Portable Fixed-Speed Electric Chain Hoist Control Systems in the Entertainment Industry. Other elements connected to Portable Chain Hoist Controllers such as the chain hoist, the electrical power system, the rigging, and the rigged load may be covered by other standards or codes of practice, and may also be required to be inspected by, or reviewed by, a local authority having jurisdiction. This standard is focused on control systems that are based on discrete signals that have a direct effect on the controlling relays, contactors, and indicators, without the aid of a Programmable Electronic System (PES). It is a companion document to ANSI E1.6-5 - 2022 Rigging October 31, 2022 2022-10-31 604.000 ANSI E1.6-4 - 2013Portable Control of Fixed-Speed Electric Chain Hoists in the Entertainment Industry This document has been superseded Rigging October 03, 2013 2013-10-03 604.900 ANSI E1.6-5 - 2022Selection and Use of Portable Fixed Speed Electric Chain Hoist Control Systems in the Entertainment Industry This standard establishes the minimum requirements for the selection and use of Portable Control of Fixed-Speed Electric Chain Hoists in the Entertainment Industry. Other elements connected to Portable Chain Hoist Controllers such as the chain hoist, the electrical power system, the rigging, and the rigged load may be covered by other standards or codes of practice, and may also be required to be inspected by, or reviewed by, a local authority having jurisdiction. This standard is focused on control systems that are based on discrete signals that have a direct effect on the controlling relays, contactors, and indicators, without the aid of a Programmable Electronic System (PES). It is a companion document to ANSI E1.6-4 - 2022 Rigging October 31, 2022 2022-10-31 605.000 ANSI ES1.7 - 2021Event Safety - Weather Preparedness The scope of this standard covers the consideration, development and use of event planning strategies that mitigate weather-related risks associated with live events, and with their associated temporary special event structures. Its scope includes both indoor and outdoor events, because each have considerations for the event participants. Its scope includes only public-access events, and private events where jurisdictional permits are required. This document is one part of a larger collection of standards relating to special event safety. Event Safety March 08, 2021 2021-03-08 710.000 ANSI E1.8-2018Entertainment Technology -- Loudspeaker Enclosures Intended for Overhead Suspension -- Classification, Manufacture and Structural Testing This standard covers the requirements for loudspeaker enclosures specifically intended for overhead suspension, but addresses only the structural characteristics of the enclosure pertaining to its suspension, such as enclosure construction, component part security, enclosure suspension hardware, manufacturing control systems, structural testing, and product representation. Rigging November 29, 2018 2018-11-29 800.000 ANSI E1.8 - 2012Entertainment Technology - Loudspeaker Enclosures Intended for Overhead Suspension--Classification, Manufacture and Structural Testing This document has been superseded. Rigging January 15, 2013 2013-01-15 800.990 ANSI E1.8 - 2005Entertainment Technology - Loudspeaker Enclosures Intended for Overhead Suspension--Classification, Manufacture and Structural Testing This document has been superseded. Rigging November 03, 2005 2005-11-03 800.999 ANSI E1.9 - 2007 (R2017)Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Luminaires Used in Entertainment This standard defines the minimum photometric data to be presented on documents purporting to accurately describe the photometric performance of stage and studio luminaires used in the live entertainment and performance industries. The R2017 edition is a reaffirmation of the 2007 edition. Photometrics November 02, 2017 2017-11-02 900.000 ANSI E1.9 - 2007 (R2012)Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Luminaires Used in Entertainment Lighting This document has been superseded. Photometrics October 15, 2012 2012-10-15 900.997 ANSI E1.9 - 2007Entertainment Technology - Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Luminaires Used in Entertainment Lighting This document has been superseded. Photometrics March 07, 2007 2007-03-07 900.998 ANSI E1.9 - 2001Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Luminaires Used in Entertainment Lighting This document has been superseded. Photometrics March 21, 2001 2001-03-21 900.999 ANSI ES1.9 - 2020Event Safety - Crowd Management The scope of this standard is to define "crowd management" as distinguished from "crowd control", to provide an overview of crowd management theory and vocabulary, and to apply these terms to certain reasonably foreseeable risks that arise during live events. The standard is intended both to identify minimum requirements and provide questions and suggestions that help event organizers make reasonable choices under the circumstances of their event. Event Safety July 06, 2020 2020-07-06 910.000 ANSI E1.11 - 2008 (R2018)Entertainment Technology -- USITT DMX512-A, Asynchronous Serial Digital Data Transmission Standard for Controlling Lighting Equipment and Accessories ANSI E1.11 - 2008 (R2018) is a reaffirmation of the 2008 edition. ANSI E1.11 describes a method of digital data transmission for control of lighting equipment and accessories, including dimmers, color-changers, and related equipment. It intended to provide for interoperability at communication and mechanical levels with controllers and controlled equipment made by different manufacturers. It is an update and expansion of the protocol developed by the United States Institute for Theatre Technology, Inc. and published as "DMX512/1990, Digital Data Transmission Standards for Dimmers and Controllers." Control Protocols May 31, 2018 2018-05-31 1100.000 ANSI E1.11 - 2008 (R2013)Entertainment Technology - USITT DMX512-A, Asynchronous Serial Digital Data Transmission Standard for Controlling Lighting Equipment and Accessories This document has been superseded. Control Protocols March 13, 2013 2013-03-13 1100.997 ANSI E1.11 - 2008Entertainment Technology - USITT DMX512-A, Asynchronous Serial Digital Data Transmission Standard for Controlling Lighting Equipment and Accessories This document has been superseded. Control Protocols December 04, 2008 2008-12-04 1100.998 ANSI E1.11 - 2004Entertainment Technology - USITT DMX512-A - Asynchronous Serial Digital Data Transmission Standard for Controlling Lighting Equipment and Accessories This document has been superseded. Control Protocols November 08, 2004 2004-11-08 1100.999 ANSI E1.14 - 2018Entertainment Technology - Recommendations for Fog Equipment Manuals ANSI E1.14 applies to the user-instruction materials for fog-making equipment manufactured for use in the entertainment industry. In order to use fog safely and effectively, the user must have some general knowledge of the technology, have a clear understanding of how to operate the fog making system, and be aware of the potential hazards related to the use of fog, and particularly the system that he is using. This standard is designed to establish guidelines for manufacturers to provide to the user the necessary information required for the safe and responsible use of fog equipment. Fog & Smoke February 27, 2018 2018-02-27 1400.000 ANSI E1.14 - 2001 (R2013)Entertainment Technology - Recommendations for Inclusions in Fog Equipment Manuals This document has been superseded. Fog & Smoke March 13, 2013 2013-03-13 1400.997 ANSI E1.14 - 2001 (R2007)Entertainment Technology - Recommendations for Inclusions in Fog Equipment Manuals This document has been superseded. Fog & Smoke March 07, 2007 2007-03-07 1400.998 ANSI E1.14 - 2001Entertainment Technology - Recommendations for Inclusions in Fog Equipment Manuals This document has been superseded. Fog & Smoke May 08, 2001 2001-05-08 1400.999 ANSI E1.15 - 2006 (R2021)Entertainment Technology - Recommended Practices and Guidelines for the Assembly and Use of Theatrical Boom & Base Assemblies ANSI E1.15 - 2006 (R2021) is a reaffirmation of the 2006 standard. It gives advice on boom and base assemblies, simple ground-support devices for lighting equipment and accessories. If the assembly is tall, not plumb, loaded unevenly, or likely to get run into by stage wagons or performers, there is substantial risk. This document offers advice to lower or eliminate that risk. Rigging March 08, 2021 2021-03-08 1500.000 ANSI E1.15 - 2006 (R2016)Entertainment Technology - Recommended Practices and Guidelines for the Assembly and Use of Theatrical Boom & Base Assemblies This document has been superseded. Rigging September 23, 2016 2016-09-23 1500.997 ANSI E1.15 - 2006 (R2011)Entertainment Technology - Recommended Practices and Guidelines for the Assembly and Use of Theatrical Boom & Base Assemblies This document has been superseded. Rigging December 06, 2011 2011-12-06 1500.998 ANSI E1.15 - 2006Entertainment Technology - Recommended Practices and Guidelines for the Assembly and Use of Theatrical Boom & Base Assemblies This document has been super


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